New paper cutting tool

I’ve been a little busy distracted recently….. well since October to be precise. My workflow has completely changed as I’ve started all over again with a shiny new cutter and different software. This is something I had thought about but didn’t expect to happen for at least another year.

Unfortunately my Silhouette Portrait had to be retired during the busiest month of the year. I tried to get Cameo to troubleshoot it with me but after a week I admitted defeat. This left me with the choice of either buying another or taking the bold step to buy something I’d coveted for some time.

Obviously I took the plunge and bought my dream cutter. It can do dual head cutting and it flashes purdy colours when it boots up. It’s basically a raspberry pie with disco lights so definitely an upgrade with a lot less limitations.

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Before it arrived I had to reorganise my workspace and this meant tidying my desk. Underneath the piles of paper, card and test cuts I found quite a few useful yet forgotten supplies.  If you haven’t tidied your desk in a while I definitely recommend doing it.

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Along with the down-sides to making such a big change and starting all over again there are many up-sides too. I am happy to say that I have found a supportive community online that not only help you troubleshoot issues quickly but they provide tutorial videos and pdf’s for most of the things I need to learn.  They also have direct contact with the developers of the software too so any bugs will get fixed a lot faster.  Now that’s pretty sweet!

I was also very lucky that the customers that still had open orders were very organised and had planned ahead. They were very understanding and were happy to wait while I caught up.

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During those experimental afternoons I realised this new start was exactly what I had needed even if the timing was a little inconvenient. There are so many opportunities ahead of me now I just need to decide which path to take next.

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Look out for new products in my Etsy shop in the coming months.

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Have you had to start over again recently?  Did you find it opened a lot more doors for you too?

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Have fun with your new cutter Dayx, great to find a supportive online community too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Annabel, it is amazing to have people to help me troubleshoot problems with. It’s also nice to see what they’ve made and really get a feel for what the tool can do. 🙂


  2. Anca says:

    I imagine it was so annoying to have the old machine dying on the busiest month of the year. But I think it’s exciting to have a new one. 🙂 I love your designs, they are so pretty.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha yes, you’re spot on. It was a real mix of emotions all at once. I had to make all new templates on the new software too so some moments of admiring my new machine while pulling my hair out over how steep the learning curve ahead of me was.

      Thanks for the compliment, I feel I can enjoy them now I am almost back up to speed. 😛


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